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Die Dörfer von Tremezzina

When in Cadenabbia or Tremezzo, if you feel like going for a walk through fields and woods, what you have just to do is to get to the hills at their back. You can choose to walk up to San Martino, the small white little church that seems glued on the hill; or to go to Rogaro and, from there, you can decide to go down back to Tremezzo or to walk up to Viano, Volesio and Intignano, three characteristic settlements above Tremezzo. Then, if you feel like carrying on your wandering, you can take the path leading to Mezzegra. If you are well trained for hiking, you can choose to go to Mount Nava, following path n° 2 from Rogaro.

How to reach San Martino
Once in Cadenabbia, what you have to do is to take one of the many ways that go up to Griante. You have the opportunity to visit the ancient part of village with its many alleys and mews, left unaltered throughout the centuries. The village itself is quiet and picturesque with many public parks and beautiful views. When you reach Piazza San Rocco, take the road marked with San Martino blue sign. You are now at Carsolina, a very old cluster of Griante. At the end of this alley you find yourself on the road which takes you both to San Martino and Rogaro. If you decide to go back to the lake, turn right, otherwise, carry on straight until you reach the path to San Martino. You’ll find it at your right; a few steps down lead you to a small bridge and there you start your way up through fields and woods. Along the path, you’ll see some tiny chapels with mosaics depicting the Misteries of the Rosary. Half the way up you’ll find the Alpini’s Chapel dedicated to Saint Charles and, from there on, no more steps! Be sure to wear proper shoes and to take with you some drinks or something to eat because you will not find refreshments at San Martino. From that point you’ll enjoy one of the most beautiful views of lake Como. (aprox.1 h.).
It is not advisable to take the path that leads to Pilone because a good piece of it is partially disrupted!

How to reach Rogaro
You have the choice to reach Rogaro via Tremezzo or via Cadenabbia - Griante. In other words, you can make a round walk, starting from either village. (aprox.h.1,30) Starting from Cadenabbia, you take one of the roads going up to Griante. Follow the San Martino sign through the village, and then, instead of turning right toward the path to San Martino, carry on along the road that takes you up hill. You’ll find yourself on a plateau that overlooks the lake at your left-hand side and with the mountains at your right. As you walk through fields and pastures, you get the impression to be at a mountain place instead of being at a lake resort. At your right hand side, first you come across to a path that leads to San Martino through a different trek (do not take it unless you are with someone local) then, after a hundred yards you meet the trek that leads to Mount Nava. If you carry straight on, you’ll find yourself at Rogaro, a small and characteristic settlement above Tremezzo. If you feel hungry or thirsty, you have a choice of restaurants where you can taste home-style typical Italian cooking. In the heart of the enclave there is a tiny Baroque church in which there is the Black Madonna, a statue carved in ebony, brought there from Germany during the Lutheran reform in 1517. As you leave the small ancient settlement, the road starts to wind down hill until you find yourself on a little bridge connecting the road that’ll take you either to Tremezzo, if you turn left, or to Viano, Volesio Intignano and to the road to Mezzegra if you turn right. If you turn left, you walk down toward the lake and you'll find yourself in front of Parco Maier in Tremezzo. Turn left again and you are on your way back to Cadenabbia. Of course, you can do the other way round, starting from Tremezzo, following the road to Rogaro and coming down to Griante, Cadenabbia and back to where you started your walk.

How to get to Mount Nava
Once you are at Rogaro, you’ll find the path to Nava at your right-hand side if you are coming from Griante, at your left-hand side if you come from Tremezzo. This is hiking, so be sure to wear proper shoes and to take drinks, food and any other supply you might need with you. Most of the trek is stony and uneven. After approximately 1 hour and a half you reach Bocchette di Nava from where you’ll enjoy a beautiful sight. It is said that there are some fossils so you may try your luck and find some. Once there, you can choose to go to Pilone - Croce and down toward Menaggio (north direction), or to Bolla di Mezzegra - Val Perlana above Lenno etc. (Como direction). Wherever you choose to go, be sure to follow the path marked with a red and white sign with n° 2 in black.

How to reach the Hermitage in Val Perlana
This is a quite long walk as it takes nearly 2 hours starting from the Shrine of Madonna del Soccorso, 1 hour more if you start from Lenno or Ossuccio. If you are based in Tremezzo or Cadenabbia, first you have to reach either Lenno or Ossuccio (by bus or car), then from there you have to take the road leading to the Shrine of Madonna del Soccorso (follow the sign). This is a very interesting walk because along the way up to the church, you’ll pass by 14 chapels of the XVII century which preserve some ancient wooden and chalk polychrome statues representing the life of Jesus. It is one of the only two Sacred Mounts in Lombardy. Once you get to the Shrine, take the path leading to Val Perlana and after nearly 2 hrs.’ walk you'll reach the Hermitage, a Cistercian Medieval building recently restored. Be sure to take drinks and food or any other supply you might need with you, because after the Shrine of Madonna del Soccorso you will find NO refreshments.


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