Crazys defeat and his escape to Griante
The Crazy’s soldiers,
who were unable to take refuge on board
of the ships, were either killed on the spot or
imprisoned. But John the Crazy himself and his
brother, together with a group of survivors, were
able to safely escape and sail toward the Castle
of Griante. Here he prepared his defence, possibly
because his enemies pursued him. "The French and
the people of Como wanted his end, so they followed
him in great number and reached the Castle of
Griante and put it under siege. After a strenuous
opposition, the Castle was conquered and John
the Crazy and his brother were taken prisoner
and had their head cut off on the spot, at the
foot of the only tower still standing after the
assault". In the end, the Crazy was given anhonourable
and human death, considering the fierce custom
of those times.
As for the Lansquenets, Garrau freed them and
gave them the opportunity to go back to their
These were the historic events that lead to the
assault of the Castle of Griante and to the end
of John the Crazy.